Woest Hoeve BB Haute Bleu VG 89

VG 89 (EVE)
Born: March 15, 2015
Sire: Iron Owl Blue Beard (LA EX92)
Dam: Woest Hoeve Hoot (LA EX92)
A very impressive boy - large and well proportioned! We love the length of his rump and depth.
Bleu is a G6S carrier.

Dam: SGCH Iron-Owl Hoot 2*M
2007- 1 X RCH
2008- 2 X BIS, 2 X GCH
2009- 3 X BOB, 5 X GCH, 2 X RCH
- 9th Three Year Old- National Show
2010- 2 X BOB
- 7th Four Year Old- National Show
- 4th Place Dairy Herd- National Show
- 3rd Get of Sire (Rusty Bucket)- National Show
2011- 3 X BOB, 1 X GCH
- 6th Five Year Old- National Show
- 5th Place Dairy Herd- National Show
- 1st Senior Get of Sire (Rusty Bicket)- Nationals
- 1st Produce of Dam (Pollywog)- National Show
2012- 2 X BOB, 1 X RCH
- 15th Six Year Old- National Show
- 1st Produce of Dam (Pollywog)- National Show

Sire: SGCH +B Iron-Owl Bluebeard
Sired the 1st place Senior Get-Of-Sire at the 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 ADGA National Show.

Sire's Dam: SGCH Iron-Owl TPMP Bleu
2005, 2006, and 2007 GCH at Nationals
2005- 1 X GCH
2006- 1 X GCH, 2 X RCH
2007- 1 X GCH, 2 X RCH
DD: SGCH Iron-Owl TPPGM Pollywog *M EX91
1st place 3yo, 2002 ADGA Nationals

SS: SG ++*B Kastdemur's LH Full Service
EX91 (EEE)
(daughters pictured above: SGCH TerraVista EX92, SGCH Audacity EX91, GCH Santa Cruz EX92
1999, 2005 & 2006 ADGA National Premier Nubian Sire. Full Service has been included on the list of Nubian Bucks that qualify for Superior Genetics, and is also listed in the 90th percentile of the 2005 Elite Sire list.

SSD: SG Lakeshore Farms RCS Shasta 1*M EX90 EVEE
14th pl. Junior Kid 1999 Nationals