Brad & Trisha are living their dream!
We have been raising purebred Nubians since 2009. We invest a lot of time and resources into our animals and their total body health is our top priority.
We do our best to minimize stress and prevent disease and illnesses.
Brad is a certified Kinesionics Practitioner and uses his skills and expertise with the goats. We have found them to be very responsive to herbs and natural remedies. We have excellent quality food grade herbs and supplements - only the best for our goaties!
Our goats are protected by two livestock guardian dogs - JJ and Raima - who take their role very seriously. We have not lost a single animal to predators!
We have a passion for living green responsibly. Our desire is to live a life that is pleasing to God and in so doing feel compelled to be as "eco-friendly" and natural as we can.
We love learning and trying new things! Trisha has learned to make 8 different flavours of goat cheese which Brad enjoys eating. Brad has a green thumb and rescues the plants that have been under Trisha's "care".
Our soap is one of the main ways we have decided to use the rich milk our Nubian does provide us with. The soap is made from the highest quality ingredients.
We'd love to hear from you if you have any questions or comments. We hope you enjoy our site!