Handmade Goat's Milk
Made with 100% pure and natural goat milk!
Each bar is a crazy 36%
goat milk!
We only use pure
essential oils.

We have seven scents available:
Udderly Simple - scent free
Udderly Stress-Free - Lavender, Peppermint, Sweet Fennel and Chamomile
Udderly Balanced - Lemon, Lime, Lavender, Pine, Geranium and Rosemar
Udderly Alert - Lavender, Rosemary, and peppermint
Udderly Relaxing - Lavender, Petitgain, Geranium and Clary Sage
Udderly Deliteful - Lavender, Lemongrass and Clary Sage
Udderly Minty - Peppermint
$7.99 each or 6 bars for $42.94 plus GST and S/H.
*** Bulk and special orders are available. Please contact us for more information and to let us know how we can best meet your needs.
Goat's Milk Soap
Soothing, moisturizing and age-defying soap.
Why goat milk? In fact, why buy soap from a farm anyway? Isn’t my regular bar of soap good enough?
Let’s start with the advantages of handcrafted soap. That bar of soap from the supermarket looks so clean and pure. And yet, most big-brand soaps contain harsh chemicals that can irritate the skin, alcohol that dries the skin, and sometimes petroleum products, which is just disturbing. Handmade soap is made from natural, gentle ingredients that don’t leave the skin itchy, dry or irritated.
Handmade soap has another basic advantage: glycerin. All soap is made by combining a fat with an alkali. During the saponification process, the fat turns into soap and glycerin. In commercial soaps, the glycerin is removed by adding salt to make the soap and glycerin separate. The glycerin is then used in other, more profitable products, including cosmetics, medicine, printing inks and the production of the explosive nitroglycerin. But in handmade soap, the glycerin remains in the soap, providing deep moisturizing benefits.
So all handmade soaps have advantages over commercial soaps. But goat milk soaps offer even more. All milk contains natural emollients, vitamins and triglycerides that moisturize the skin. Goat milk specifically contains the reputed highly effective moisturizer capric-capryllic triglyceride. People who prefer goat milk soap claim that it is far less drying and harsh than ordinary soap. For those who have sensitive skin or eczema, goat milk soap is a godsend.
The best goat milk soaps are made from fresh, not powdered, goat milk.
1. Why add goat milk to soap? Goat milk protein contains essential amino acids as well as vitamins A and B and minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Goat milk is also very near the natural ph level of our own skin. With its natural emollients, goat milk soap can relieve dryness and leave your skin feeling silky soft.
2. Will the soap smell like a goat? Not mine. Not ever. Not a chance. No way.
3. Is there lye in this soap? Yes, there is lye in absolutely all soap. Once it blends and reacts (saponification) with the oil molecules it is no longer lye, it becomes soap and is completely skin safe after a curing period of 4-6 weeks.
4. Why not just buy regular old soap from the store? There are chemicals added to commercial soaps to make them harder, cheaper to make etc. Companies are not required to list the ingredients on the label. These may irritate your skin and cause dryness as well as unknown reactions.
5. What is the shelf life of this soap? A lot of people ask this because of the milk. Once the oils, milk and lye mix together they become a completely different product so the milk is no longer milk, oils are no longer oils and the lye is no longer lye. These soaps will still be good practically indefinitely. In fact, the longer they sit the more mild they become, so a couple of months on the shelf is a good thing. They will still be great years from now.